Tire Width & Boost Threshold

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Tue May 28 23:07:53 EDT 2002

At 3:55 PM -0700 5/28/02, Justin Olson wrote:
>With a stock chip, at what rpm can you get 1.8bar in
>4th gear. Here is the how I tested; getting on the
>freeway at 2000 rpm's in 4th gear, I floor it. My car
>makes 1.8bar by ~3000rpms. What do you guys get?

That's Audi's official "max boost" test. You passed! Though you don't
need to do it on a freeway :-)


Phil Rose				Rochester, NY USA
'91 200q	(130 Kmiles, Lago blue)
'91 200q   (57 Kmiles, Tornado red)
	mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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