need brake hose info

jim catterson termite at
Sat Nov 2 12:51:55 EST 2002

--- Phil Rose <pjrose at> wrote:
> I need to replace the rubber oem brake hoses (especially up
> this car has had the G60 brake conversion. What is the proper
> specification (p/n?) for the _front_ brake hose (would it be same
> part as used by '92 S4?)
> I suppose all that all I need to do is measure the hose length and
> make sure about the gender of the fittings on each end.  Any
> hints?

phil,  i just replaced all four hoses on my 200 w/ the g60 brakes.  got
them from  as i recall,  i used the '92 s4 hoses
for the front and the regular '91 200 20v hoses for the rear.  they had
them in stock.  free shipping too... just make sure that 1) you blow
the sand away from everything w/ an air blower before you start; 2) you
are using a brake wrench so as not to strip the bleeder screw; and 3)
overfill the reservoir before you start.  the hoses came off pretty
easily w/ no rounding of the fittings.  took me about an hour and a
half being very neat and careful...

jim catterson

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