did the "bomb" test.....now what????

Brian Link brianl at starsys.com
Tue Nov 5 16:45:42 EST 2002

I know this is obvious, but my brake light would occasionally flicker
over bumps, sharp turns, etc.  My break fluid reservoir was above the
min mark, but apparently not enough.  I topped it off closer to the max
line which cured my flickering brake light

Brian Link
Boulder, CO


I posted earlier about my little red brake light that keeps flickering
all the
time and some of you have said that it might be the bomb and to check
Well, after I drove the car I shut it off and pressed on the brake and
about 20 or 25 pushes it started getting hard so I really doubt that
there is
anything wrong with the bomb. All idtdoes is flickers almost always.
When I
relese the emergency brake the light goes off but after I start driving
starts flickering so I don't think it's the emergency brake sensor. Any

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