What's this eye brow?

davidb01 davidb01 at attbi.com
Sat Nov 9 08:55:40 EST 2002

Bernie!  Here's your Flame Orange, and since it's on the 'intake pipe', it
should definitely add some power!  (heh, heh)


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	200q20v-admin at audifans.com [mailto:200q20v-admin at audifans.com]  On
Behalf Of Martin Pot
Sent:	Friday, November 08, 2002 9:13 PM
To:	200q20v at audifans.com
Subject:	Re: Re:What's this eye brow?

I have enjoyed the pics of this car. It seems to be in Germany because I
have seen a whole bunch of pics of some really nice cars at a meet, with
German plates and one of them has a sticker of a Hamburg auto club. I just
would change the jpg # and get to see another picture. There are about 85
pics there. This one shows the engine bay of the Avant and there are some
more that shows the huge speakers in the back. I think it is the same Avant
as on the cover of Blau's ad flyer.
Engine bay pic:

91' 2CTQW prl   '86 5kTQ prl   91' 2CTQ Maroon  All cars chipped
----- Original Message -----
From: <SuffolkD at aol.com>
To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 8:07 PM
Subject: Re:What's this eye brow?

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Righteous color.........Are you talking about the "Eye Brow"?
> -Scott in BOSTON
> In a message dated 11/8/02 12:23:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> 200q20v-request at audifans.com writes:
> > http://home.arcor.de/audi-galerie/galerie/events2001/weyhe/big/007.jpg
> >
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