Bose front spkr squawk...

Phil Rose pjrose at
Fri Nov 22 15:04:57 EST 2002

At 2:31 PM -0500 11/22/02, Kneale Brownson wrote:
>When I redid the driver door wiring harness last month, the speaker
>wires were outside the stuff that was wrapped up together.  They
>didn't have any sign of the insulation breakdown that at least half
>the other wires had.

Hmm, that's what I suspected. I guess I'll assume the full-Monty
(Dikeman) fix is needed.

BTW, is there an easy (read: without door disassembly) to deactivate
a front speaker until there's time to repair it? I don't recall (and
doubt) if there are seperate connectors at the rear of the head unit
for front and back speakers.

>At 01:40 PM 11/22/2002 -0500, Phil Rose wrote:
>>I suppose it was inevitable--we get the rear speaker recall done, and
>>soon we suddenly have ear-splitting squawking from one of the front
>>speaker amps (left side), which evidently feels we haven't been
>>paying it enough attention.
>>I guess I'll have to  look up Brett's posted capacitor "fix". But
>>(considering it's the driver's door) I wonder about the possibility
>>that the speaker problem is caused by some wire-damage in the
>>door-hinge area. There's no reason that the speaker wires would be
>>immune from that problem, is there? Anyone actually trace front
>>speaker problems to that (damaged wiring) issue?
>>I need to check if the squawking is affected by the door position--if
>>not then probably the usual amp failure.
>>Phil Rose                               Rochester, NY USA
>>'91 200q        (135 Kmiles, Lago blue)
>>'91 200q   (58 Kmiles, Tornado red)
>>         mailto:pjrose at
>>200q20v mailing list
>>200q20v at


Phil Rose				Rochester, NY USA
'91 200q	(135 Kmiles, Lago blue)
'91 200q   (58 Kmiles, Tornado red)
	mailto:pjrose at

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