Lock cylinders

Phil and Judy Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Sun Nov 24 14:42:53 EST 2002

At 10:22 AM -0800 11/24/02, jim catterson wrote:
>  > According to Steve Buchholtz the part nummers (driver's side!!!!!)
>>  are:
>>  893837287D  Carrier
>>  893837061B  Lock Cyl
>>  N 0124111   Lockring
>>  P.S. Get at least a couple of those little 50-cent lockrings, since
>>  they bend, lose their temper, and may run away and hide.
>might as well get that plastic 'thing' [audi technical term] that keeps
>the actuating rod in the crank at the back of the cylinder.  when i
>opened up my door,  that was the only thing wrong,  not the lock that i
>suspected was the problem.  put a new one in and cinched it w/ a zip
>tie...again,  all easier to do w/ the window frame out of the door!

Yeh, agreed, I replaced that "thing" on advice of my Audi tech, but I
didn't know what to call it. In my case the metal lever was broken,
too, but that plastic "thingy" was quite brittle.

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       *

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