
Derek Pulvino dbpulvino at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 26 01:07:31 EST 2002


Haven't read to see if anybody else responded yet, but from what I know and
have heard it is the capacitors in the amp built into to each speaker unit.

A recipe for the fix can be found at:

>...and/or repaired front speakers on a stock 91 200q
>Audi/Bose system?  Driver's side speaker is working intermittently...


Should cure the problem from what I'd read.

Derek P

>Same symptoms/problems w/fronts.  Initially, a high-pitched squawk that
>scared the heck out of me, then a fuzzy low-level buzz (for now).  Anyone
>who successfully addresses this problem please post!
>Many thanks and Happy Holidays!

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