Boost problems

Jobe Tichy bimmer_dude at
Sun Oct 6 22:30:04 EDT 2002

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

I experienced the same issue--1.7 max on dash gauge after long 2,000 rpm 3rd
and 4th gear pulls.  I inspected leaks and other failures to no avail and I am
now convinced that the digital gauge is just crap.  I installed my analog
boost gauge and I read 11.5-12psi no problem (full boost on non chipped 20v).
If all of your attempts to solve have been unsuccessful, look into tapping in
a cheap boost gauge just to make sure.  I think you can find them between
$20-$60.  If you car runs really strong at 1.7, you may still be getting full
boost, just that the gauge isn't reading fast enough to read it out.  I have
heard many, many others have this problem with all the 10 valve and 20 valve
turbos with the factory digi gauge--maybe that's why Audi scrapped it soon

Good Luck.


'91 200tq 20v

'84 BMW 318i (modified)
>From: Eyvind Spangen
>To: 200q20v at
>Subject: Boost problems
>Date: Sat, 05 Oct 2002 14:03:38 +0200
>I'm only getting 1.7 bar indicated on the dash gauge. I have checked
>for leaks, replaced bypass valve and WGFV, I even tried blocking the
>hose to the wastegate, but then I only got 1.6.. I tried using
>regulated, pressurized air on the small line to the ECU, I adjusted it
>to about 2 bar absolute pressure, the dash gauge shows 1.9 max. With
>the standard pressure transducer should this be correct, right?
>But I still wonder why it doesn't give full boost, even with the lower
>wastegate hose blocked off.. When I did this on my old 200q10v, it hit
>the overboost cutoff very quick..
>I removed the top cap on the wastegate, everything looked normal in
>I tried pulling codes, nothing.. (4444)
>Any good tips? I'm really puzzled..
>E. Spangen
>'90 Audi 200TQ20v
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