auxilliary water pump puddled this morning

Charles Baer charlie at
Tue Oct 8 11:18:15 EDT 2002

Oh the joys of 12 year old plastic!
Arrived at work, looked at the OK water temp, turned off the key and...

TPB lists $90, presumably with the same decade-lifed plastic fittings.
NAPA said they have an Airtex for around $60, anybody have experience
with it ??  The parts guy made a guess that Airtex uses Al for the
pump housing instead of plastic, that might sell me on the non-OEM bit.

In the meantime I am wondering if anybody is aware of a problem other
that no post-run for the turbo if I just join the hoses w/ a right-angle
tube for a drive home.  (or does any lister in Boulder have a spare ?)



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