our tranny in a V8? Does it fit?
Bernie Benz
b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Sat Oct 19 16:17:00 EDT 2002
The final drive ratio must be the same also.
> From: Shayne <thequattroking at yahoo.com>
> Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 15:26:15 -0700
> To: Audi Sport <themercedesbenz at hotmail.com>, <200q20v at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: our tranny in a V8? Does it fit?
> I am not sure if this is the answer that you are looking for. I do know it
> is possible to convert an auto to a manual. However, it is VERY labor
> intensive. As far as putting a 20V tranny into a V8, I did a very intensive
> investigation when my 5 speed V8 tranny went bad. At that time I had a
> brand new 20V tranny in my garage. Actually, I still have it. Although I
> never mated it up to the motor, I was told by every source I talked to (all
> audi people or german tranny specialists) that it would fit. They told me
> the only difference is that the V8q tranny has an added oil pump on the side
> of the tranny to circulate the oil to a cooler up front. The 20V does not.
> Again, I have never actually bolted the 20v up to the V8 motor, but I can
> tell you that they externally look identical expect for the cooler on the
> side (passengers I think) of the tranny. Also, if you are thinking of retro
> fitting the cooler, I don't think it would be possible without a huge amount
> of machine work as the casting is slightly different in that area of the
> tranny.
> Shayne P.
> Oakland, CA.
> Enough Audis to give plenty of headaches.
> Parting: 1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5
>> From: "Audi Sport" <themercedesbenz at hotmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 15:57:13 -0400
>> To: 200q20v at audifans.com
>> Subject: Re: our tranny in a V8? Does it fit?
>> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
>> I'm sorry but I never siad my tranny was an auto, I said his was. He has an
>> 3.6 auto V8 and wanted to know wether my tranny would fit or not and of
>> course
>> the 200 20 valve has a manual. I need to know a definite answer. Perhaps from
>> someone who has done this. I don't want to tell this guy that it fits if it
>> doesn't so I need some accurate info if possible. Any help would of course be
>> greatly appreciated.
>> Dan B.
>> Dan:
>> Sounds more like a 1991 200 FWD automatic with the MC2 motor.
>> I don't think that there were ever any Audis sold with the 3B 20v engine and
>> an automatic transmission
>> There are a few automatic S4s with the AAN 20v motor but they are extremely
>> rare
>> -Peter
>> At 02:48 PM 10/17/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>>> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
>>> There is someone interested in the transmission I have which came off of a
>> 200
>>> 20 valve. He has an automatic 3.6 V8 and was wondering wether my
>>> transmission
>>> would fit on there. So if any of you know wether our trannies fit a 3.6 auto
>>> V8 for sure let me know.
>>> Dan B.
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