MTM chip

Mihnea Cotet mik at
Mon Oct 21 08:06:14 EDT 2002

At 21:34 20/10/2002 -0400, Brett Dikeman wrote:
>At 8:22 PM -0600 10/19/02, Andy wrote:
>>Hello everyone, new to the list, just bought a 91, 200TQW and love
>>it. The shop that I have bought the car from is an audi only tuner,
>>apparently well respected and is recommending an MTM chip.
>What is the name of the tuner?
>>  He says that the chip is plug and play, not soldered and does not
>>use a stiffer wastegate spring
>The only chip that 'requires' a wastegate spring is TAP's, and that's
>mostly because it isn't very well designed.

Huh? So you mean that MTM who sells and installs WG springs on their
customers' cars aren't doing their job properly now?

>>. I have read nothing about this chip and thought that the chips
>>were soldered into the computer.
>They are.  Some vendors install sockets, however.  Still, soldering
>is required.

Nope they aren't !!!!! AT least on the 3B ECUs they have never been
soldered and never required unsoldering, and even some UrS4 ECUs that I've
seen (they had never been opened, one of them was brand new from Bosch) had
sockets in them. So one more time you're wrong Brett!

>>  The IA chip w/ the stiffer wastegate spring seems to be the
>>favorite of this and other groups
>IA does not sell stiffer wastegate springs for the 20vt.  They are
>100% unnecessary with a proper chip.

That's not true! MTM sells 2.5 and 3 Bar chip upgrades for the 3B AND
install stiffer WG springs without their customers necessarily knowing
about that! A 15$ spring would be a too easy improvement if everyone knew
it, think a little! I've seen the real MTM "Fat 'n' Low" UrS4 that had a
stiffer WG spring from MTM in it, now what do you say to that?

>>  so I was wondering if anyone has any experience w/ the MTM. He will
>>sell/install the MTM for $500 and said it makes 270hp.
>Peter Schulz has the MTM chip in his wagon- it is quite good.  Chris
>Miller and I both have the IA 3+.  I'm sure there are a lot of Hoppen
>customers on the list who are happy as well(Hoppen resells MTM.)
>All are pretty much good for about the same levels, 270-280hp
>depending upon the chip, wind direction, etc :-)  TAP's chip claimed
>265 minus the spring.
>>  I live in colorado if it matters.
>Just adds shipping costs(versus your local guy, for which you'll pay
>sales tax I presume), that's all.
>I had heard that early versions of the MTM chip(which supposedly TAP
>used) were defective, but the problem has been corrected for several

Mihnea, defending the sake of the stiffer WG spring :-)

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