More on audi wheel bolts/studs/torque

Tue Oct 22 01:00:42 EDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I really don't think there is that much thinking involved Bernard.  With a
wide variety of manufacturers and cast/forging recipies of wheels from audi
including ronal, BBS, Fuchs, and even the space saver spare... the torque
value for the wheels stays the same, even with different length audi bolts,
different chassis weights, hubs etc..  When installing aftermarket wheels
(per tire crack), they also recommend the stock street wheel torque values.

The only constant appears to be 14x1.50.  Wheel bolt torque charts for all
cars are available from the snap on truck, btdt.  The list fits on a single


In a message dated 10/21/2002 7:55:25 PM Central Daylight Time,
bernardl at writes:

Torque for a car's wheels is set by the manufacturer based upon:
the type of metal and width/depth in the hub
the type of metal and the diameter and thread type and pitch of the lug
the contact area of the lug to the wheel
the type of metal and finish of the wheel and lug.
No A/S or lube on the threads or contact area of lug to wheel, and the
surfaces being clean and intact.
All parts cold.
[I am sure there are other factors, too]

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