strut brace

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at
Mon Sep 2 15:14:19 EDT 2002

Another case of overkill!  George Siedman used a solid bar such that it
could be used in both compression and tension.  Apparently, he just couldn't
see/understand that a major benefit comes from deflecting the nonlinear
rubber top mount into an area of higher spring rate, where the brace is
always in compression.  Or, he just wanted the extra weight.

Be careful, watch your alignment wrench.  If he doesn't understand the
principle, few do, he'll defeat its purpose.

Thanks for the feedback,


> From: jim catterson <termite at>
> Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 12:28:40 -0700 (PDT)
> To: Bernie Benz <b.m.benz at>
> Subject: strut brace
> bernie,  just wanted to let you know that i installed your strut brace
> today and it is going for an alignment this week.  i used titanium
> tubing instead of emt and it went in great.  thanks for the pioneering
> work on this...
> =====
> cheers
> jim catterson

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