Mystery coolant leak

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed Sep 4 12:56:22 EDT 2002

At 11:44 AM 09/04/2002 -0400, Phil Rose wrote:

>>I thought this sensor leaked internally, not at the threads.  Is teflon
>>tape a good idea on the threads?
>It can certainly do both (isn't that one of the reasons it's called
>"MultiFailure Temp Sensor")? Anyway, the MFTS installations I've seen
>generally show some sign of external leakage. I would think that teflon
>tape (or any sealant) might be problematic because the MFTS depends on
>contact with the cooling pipe for the electrical ground.

Ah, the grounding.  So the brass threads are supposed to be self-sealing, eh?

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