3B poor running - pretty long

alan cordeiro alancordeiro at comcast.net
Thu Sep 26 22:22:12 EDT 2002

Your symptoms are very much like the symptoms I had with a completely DEAD
MAF sensor. Pull back the rubber boot over the MAP connector and measure
the voltage across pins one and five  while the ignition is ON but the
engine off.
It should be around 12 to 14 volts. if not check your wiring and fuses

If the power supply to the MAF is OK, make sure that you have around 2 volts
pins one and three. If so, then start the car and let it idle. Your voltage
should go up
by a volt or so. If no voltage under these conditions, your MAF is probably


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mihnea Cotet" <mik at info.fundp.ac.be>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>; <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 2:14 PM
Subject: 3B poor running - pretty long

> Fellow listers,
> After running more or less ok for about 1000 miles, the 3B started making
> troubles... so as an introduction note, I'll tell you that I'm running the
> engine NA (more or less) with the WG spring removed because of the MM hose
> leaking under boost. It ran fine but then yesterday started sputtering
> floored (or everything else past 1/2 throttle) but revs otherwise fine if
> back off the gas pedal and then press it less... Me thought of a bad
> sensor first so today I got to pull the codes and here is what I got with
> the explanations according to Mr Mockry (thanks again for your website
> Scott!!):
> 2324
> Air Mass Sensor ,
> Open or short circuit, defective sensor, system in limp home mode

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