One turbo and 5 cylinders not enough for your Ur S-Car?

Ingo D. Rautenberg ingo at
Mon Sep 30 16:25:29 EDT 2002

Update on the custom 200 with the biturbo v8.

I received a response from Robert at Turbotechnik Großholz in Germany.
First, they only do conversions in-house (so no buying parts to DIY or have
shop in US do it for you).  Secondly, car uses regular 200q20v tranny.  As
to where the radiator is, they say it is custom and is tucked in between the
intercoolers and the engine.  Interesting how the relocated the coolant
expansion tank and washer fluid tanks, btw.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ingo Rautenberg" <irautenberg at>
To: <s-car-list at>; <200q20v at>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 9:24 PM
Subject: [s-cars] One turbo and 5 cylinders not enough for your Ur S-Car?

> Subject line says it all.
> Courtesy Olli on the 10v turbogroup and Audi5zylinderturbotechnik on
> yahoogroups:
> Enjoy!

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