Hakka 10's loosing studs

Henry A Harper III hah at alumni.rice.edu
Tue Apr 1 10:32:53 EST 2003

My six-season-old eco-stud Hakka-1s just came off the Audi and I noticed
maybe one or two missing studs per tire when rolling them around. Lots and
lots of tread left, no winter driving schools and not that many miles the
past few years. Four-season-old eco-stud Hakka-1s from the GTI also have
very few missing studs and lots of tread left, with more miles on them than
the Audi tires.

Henry Harper
http://www.henry-harper.com hah at alumni.rice.edu
1991 200 quattro, 117k (averaging 6.5k mi/yr after 6 years mine)
1988 GTI 16v, 235k (averaging 15k mi/yr after 9 years mine, I seem to
recall 20-25k the first year or two)

On Tuesday, April 01, 2003 7:17 AM, Phil Rose [SMTP:pjrose at frontiernet.net]
> At 10:08 PM -0700 3/31/03, Steve Sherman wrote:
> >Last fall I put a set of studded Hakka 10's (or is it ones too much mud
> >on the sidewalls to tell right now) on my Quattro avant; just like
> >previous years.  What I am seeing now is that some tires have lost all
> >their studs, others about half.  I never had this happen to a set of
> >these before.  Anyone else using these notice studs disappearing this
> By now, my five-season-old Hakka-1 (not 10) tires appear to have lost
> about 50% of their studs, although there is still at _least_ 50-60%
> of the tread-depth remaining. The stud loss started to be noticable
> after the second season, which included a Winter Driving School
> (possibly some overexuberance on the skid-pad). However additional
> losses were noted in subsequent seasons of normal driving. These are
> regular studs (not the Haka "Eco" type).
> In some of my tires, there are gaps of 8 to 10 studs (in a row)
> missing in various places. I cannot see much of a pattern to the
> loss, although on one tire there is clearly more lost from the inner
> tread than the outer. So far, this hasn't resulted in any noticable
> imbalance effects.
> Phil
> --
> Phil Rose
> Rochester, NY
> mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net
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