Inexpensive Pentosin substitute?

ben swann benswann at
Tue Apr 8 12:57:11 EDT 2003

Sean's car ('87 5ktqa) is down in FLA with bad leak in Power
Steering/hydraulic system.  We are looking for a possible inexpensive
substitute for Pentosin that will get the car back to MD where we can
fix whatever is leaking.

I recall seeing a post sometime back about one of common gas stations
who sell high quality mineral oil by the gallon or so.  Can anyone
advise - this car is using a pint every 100 miles or so?

We have not been able to locate the leak, but it seems to be
dripping/spurting somewhere in the middle on around the top of the
transmission where it then gets vaporized quickly by the exhaust
leaving not much trace - but a lot of smell.  Car has a rebuilt Jorgen
rack, but don't know if that rules out the rack.

Hope we can find some cheap source to get us through until the problem
is fixed.


Ben & Sean Shoemaker

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