Glowing red Turbo

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Sat Apr 12 18:51:13 EDT 2003

Really shows why you should always let your engine Idle huh!
THat bright red is normal.  ITs just that usually people dont go
looking at their turbos in pitch black right after they stop a
hard run.  You either drive slowly for a while, or dont look at
it untill a few minutes after you shut if off, or you are in a
Gas Station or Garage with the lights on and cant see the glow.
ITs perfectly normal.  I used to live in the Boonies and after a
hard drive home I'd let the car Idle parked outside, it would
glow for a few minutes progressively getting duller.  It took
about 2 minutes for it to totally cool down and the red to
disappear.  One minute if the drive wasnt' really hard.
  Check out hoses like some others said.  You probably blew one.
BTDT twice.

--- Chewy4000 at wrote:
> Last night after half an hour of a beating my poor 213kmi. 200
> got through some side ways turns and some 150mph straights, my
> car died. Actually stalled.
> I pop the hood and my turbo is glowing like I never saw it
> glow before. I thought I blew my turbo, but after thinking a
> little, there was no smoke.
> I tryed to turn it on after it looked like it cooled down but
> its like when you blow the top ic hose the car turns but
> doesn't idle, chokes, pops and stalls.
> Another problem I been having for a long time now is, when you
> least expect it the fan doesn't turn on or no cooling help at
> all it seems.
> I guess this weekend I gotta check the IC end caps and hoses
> to see what gave, hopefully its something like that.
> Chewy
> driving my bros under-powered 90csq till i wake up the 200
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