nissens / cooling ducts

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at
Mon Apr 14 09:35:41 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Hi Dave

When I put in my Nissen radiator I also had a tough time getting the
bottom mounts in, A normal tap did not help because of the point and the
taper. If I was to have to do it again I would look to borrow a  bottom
tap( I think that is the correct term, as they do not have a point )I
was scared I would puncture the radiator with the other tap. I used some
bicycle teflon chain lube in putting mine in. WD-40 is a great solvent
or rust inhibitor, but not much of a lube product.

Chuck Pierce
91 200tq Avant very slowly getting sorted out

Peter Schulz wrote:

>At 02:50 PM 4/12/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>>2 things...
>>Again, a nut on the bottom of my 2nd nissen's radiator broke! I worked
>>the two mounts in carefully, I got one bolt carefully in for the cooling
>>duct, started the last one (WD-40 applied), just started threading it in
>>and "tink", the damned thing snapped! I can't belive nobody else with a
>>Nissen's has seen this problem! Also, the lower port by the
>>thermo-switch was bent down. I managed to get that bent back. I was
>>going to inspect that more before install, but wanted to get the bottom
>>threads cleaned up first. Arrg!
>>2nd thing... If I didn't have the ducting bolted up to the radiator on
>>one side (near the engine), would that be much of a problem? I'm going
>>back to the garage to look for myself. I'm trying to decide if I should
>>send this back and just get the OEM unit, or try to make the best of it.
>>Any sage wisdom is welcome!
>>200q20v mailing list
>>200q20v at
>I almost had the same happen to me ( captive bolt loosening).  The real is=
sue is that Nissen's does a poor job of masking prior to painting the radia=
tor, and the threads get covered with paint.  When I felt the resistance wh=
ile installing the rubber mounts, I backed out the rubber mount, put anti s=
eize on the stud and screwed back, backed it out, screwed it back in.
>If you have a tap and die set, you could use that to clean the threads,
>I had a little trouble aligning the duct with the radiator, and in some ca=
ses used nuts, washer and bolts instead of the threaded clips.
>TPC didnt do the best job packing the rad and I had some damage by the ove=
rflow nipple...I had a local radiator shop do the repair and Rod said he "w=
ould take care of me"....Given that Rod has had my business for the last 7 =
years, this is the first problem I ever had...And he is standing behind his=
>I now am starting to understand why some folks said that Nissens has a hig=
her return rate than AKG radiators - its not due to leaks, but other issues=
 like poor factory packaging and stupid litlle things like paint on mountin=
g threads,
>Peter Schulz
>1990 CQ (awaiting S2 3b engine transplant)
>1991 200 20v TQW indigo mica
>1991 200 20v TQW titanium grey
>Chelmsford, MA USA
>peschulz at
>200q20v mailing list
>200q20v at


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