Pentosin Flush?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed Apr 16 11:51:58 EDT 2003

At 06:59 AM 04/16/2003 -0700, Bernie Benz wrote:
>As I recall, that procedure will bleed the PB circuit but have no effect on
>the PS.
> > From: Kneale Brownson <knotnook at>
> >
> > Take off the cap, detach the line into the top of the reservoir and aim it
> > into a coffee can or something similar for collection.  Start the engine
> > and let it idle while you keep topping up the fluid in the reservoir.  I'd
> > run a couple cans of 11S through.
> >
Both systems circulate through the same reservoir/suction line to the
pump.  I'd think you only need to take the oil out of one spot while
introducing new to get a complete flush eventually.

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