Serious Charging System Problem
Chrisellenhem at
Chrisellenhem at
Mon Apr 21 00:00:33 EDT 2003
<My understanding of the alternator that it's VERY UNLIKELY
<anything will break except for voltage regulator/brush assemblies and
<and other than that, altnerators have no other problems.
I just recently experienced a sudden, catostrophic drop in my charging
voltage; removed alternator expecting/hoping for simply failed brushes &
regulator module but it turned out to be a completely deteriorated &
delaminated stator assembly - precisely as Kneale suggested. Local
starter/alternator rebuilder reman'ed w/ new brushes/regulator, bearings, &
stator for ~$110 vs. lowest quoted non-Bosch rebuilt of ~$170. Been working
great ever since...
Chris Hemberger
w/ 87k mi Avant in CT...
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