Rad fan fusible link fix

mallick at mail.utexas.edu mallick at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Apr 23 12:25:16 EDT 2003

After reading about Phil's problem with the radiator and overheating due to the
familiar fusible link failure, I'll pass along what I did to solve the problem.

I suffered through two failures of the fusible link due to corrosion.  When the
third one fell apart as I touched it, I had enough.  I went down to the local
NAPA Auto Parts store and found an 80 amp fusible link made by Buss that was
made to plug into some sort of connector.  The link itself is enclosed in a
plastic chamber for protection, and the connections are lugs with holes in them.
 I just bent the lugs outward so I could get the link screws through them and
attached it back to the fusible link holder (the flimsy cover had long since
broken off).  I coated the  connections with rustproofing grease just to try and
hold off the corrosion.

Result...no more problems with link corrosion and failure, and I still have
meltdown protection.  It looks a bit like a cob-job, but works great.  Bernie
would be proud...


John Mallick
200q20v 160K and counting...

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