Flushing Brake Fluid

Steve Sherman spsherm at attglobal.net
Sun Apr 27 20:46:01 EDT 2003


That was always my step 2.  First I usually get all the old stuff out of
there.  No need to push it through the system; I'd rather be pushing
clean, dry stuff through...

Kneale Brownson wrote:

> I've always thought the best way to flush the system was to use a
> pressure bleeder and just run a pint or so of fluid out of each bleeder.
> At 05:45 PM 04/26/2003 -0600, Steve Sherman wrote:
>> Started in on flushing the brake fluid and did not get too far.  Thought
>> I'd begin by emptying the res as bes I could with an old turkey baster.
>> Only problem is I could not figure a way to get the filter screen out,
>> to get access to the fluid.  Does that filter screen assembly come out
>> of the res tank?  If so, can someon let me on the secret of how to do
>> it.
>> If not, I assume one drains the res by separating it from the master
>> cyl.  If that's the case, does one usually need new grommets to reattach
>> the res?
>> TIA
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