Fuel injectors: clean or replace?

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Mon Apr 28 11:11:00 EDT 2003

Speaking of cleaning injectors, I bought an injector "tune up kit" from Rod
at TPC recently ($4/injector)--came with several new seals as well as what
looks like a new plastic cap/hat on the sprayer side.  No directions
included--can anybody shed some light on this?  Does the cap just press on?
is this kit worthwhile?  Any BTDT?



----- Original Message -----
From: "CL Wong" <montesawong at yahoo.com>
To: "200q" <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 3:39 PM
Subject: Fuel injectors: clean or replace?

> After replacing my fuel pump recently due to 2 no
> start incidents I've been enjoying the following
> positive side effects:
> -very good cold and hot starts
> -no more fuel smell near passenger rear panel on a
> full tank of gas
> -increased power via seat-of-the-pants o-meter
> I'm planning on taking a road trip with the family
> minivan soon and the 200 will be unused for a week.  A
> great time to pull the injectors and have them
> cleaned.  So this brings me to the following question:
> Are fuel injectors wear items that need to be replaced
> at some mileage interval or can I have them cleaned
> and use them for another 50k to 100k miles?
> If they are wear items then I'll just save up for a
> set and not bother getting these cleaned, if not I'll
> pop them out and send them to maren... are these the
> right guys?  (http://www.injector.com)
> thanks in advance.
> Chi
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