No Power

Phil Rose pjrose at
Mon Apr 28 13:45:46 EDT 2003

In our '89 100, the battery died soooo  dead that jump starts were
ineffective, not even a solenoid click--until I did a partial
recharge of the battery. After that, a jump-start worked easily. Try
a little recharging, but connect your charger directly to the battery
terminals and give it some hours before trying to jump-start.


At 10:46 AM -0400 4/28/03, RICHARD MEZIC wrote:
>I went to move my 1991 Audi wagon (105000 miles) out of the garage.  I
>haven't used it for a few weeks.  It didn't start.  No power, not even
>the clock on the dashboard.  I attached jumper cables and tried again.
>Power this time, clicking and turning, but no starting.  I pushed it out
>of the garage to have better access to the engine compartment.  This
>time I connected a battery charger to the positive post and engine
>block.  Nothing.  No clock, no heater controls.  No power at all.
>Double-checked power to charger, connections to engine, etc.  Any
>suggestions?  I'm thinking that the fusible-link / battery cable went
>bad.  Too much power surging through the system from prolonged cranking
>attempts?  Other ideas?
>As always - thanks in advance.
>200q20v mailing list
>200q20v at


Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at

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