air temp sensor

Scalmanini Steve sscalmanini at
Wed Apr 30 00:48:39 EDT 2003

Scott's site has an excellent writeup w/ photos
on how to test it (and, of course, where it is).

Should yours be bad, be aware a direct replacement
is not available (from dealers or anyone, AFAIK).
You'll need a new sensor and a mating connector
that no longer solders on, available from dealers
or Scott (unless you're on a different continent?).


<brogers at
Tue, 29 Apr 2003

It's at the back, on top, in the "elbow" of the IM.
Secured by two hex bolts.  HTH.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Vincenzo Basile" <Bleaf1 at>
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 4:06 PM

> Hi list
> could someone tell me exactly were the air temp
sensor is,I have a fault for it and know its ontop
of the intake manifold ,but don't know exactly

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