Shake, RAttle & Roll

Steve Scalmanini sscalmanini at
Sat Aug 16 03:42:38 EDT 2003

If you get vibration when you're not braking, it's not your UFOs,
unless they're out of balance, which is possible but I've never
heard of it.  (There's prob. some thin wire wound around the
outside edge of one or a few fins that connect the two friction
plates of each of your UFOs.  That's from when each was balanced
at the factory.  I've never heard of one needing rebalancing during
its life but there's always a first time.)  Anyway, how do you know
they're in good shape?  Did you actually measure their runout when
mounted on the car with wheels on and torqued correctly?  That's
easy to do with a dial indicator and something to hold it to the
stabilizer bar or equivalent.

Bentley specifically recommends replacing the ... upper control arm
bushings (?) ... every ... 45K(?) miles ..., or something like that,
for UFOmobiles.  See the good book for details, and if it fixes
your problem, shout hallelulia (to the Audi Gods)!

Ukiah, CA

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