Hyd Fluid Leak Puzzle

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Aug 22 00:09:30 EDT 2003

I THINK the '91 200's and the V8's have a "sealing washer" that's an
O-ring.  Could be the O-ring has gotten hard with age and no longer is
supple enough to maintain a seal.  Same problem with leaks in the pumps

At 01:31 PM 08/21/2003 -0600, Steve Sherman wrote:

>I did today notice a slight fluid leak on the bomb, the first since the
>last major dump and subsequent cleanup.  It appears to be coming from
>around the banjo bolt on the bottom, the one on the hose that goes to
>the pump.
>When I took a closer look at this banjo bolt, I could not see the Cu/Al
>crush washers under the head or under the hub.  I (vaguely) recall
>changing this same line out in my 86 5K, and in that case there were two
>crush washers one on either side of the hub the bolt goes thru.  But on
>my 20v, the head of the bolt appears to contact the hub of the line.
>Could it be that the wrench that installed the new bomb for the previous
>owner forgot the washers???

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