water marks

DAK dak at rochester.rr.com
Wed Feb 5 23:53:48 EST 2003

I've used rubbing compound on an old dark red chevy the family had. Had
a neigbor with a maroon VW Fox with oxidation also. Same trick worked
for him. Seems that the red/yellow family of paints suffers from this
(I'm told by people who know). That is why yellow also gets that faded
look also. I'm starting to see it on the red '90 civic at home. (the
parts runner, until we can get another audi!)

Phil Rose wrote:
> At 4:23 PM -0500 2/4/03, RGuzz wrote:
>> Toronado red , some oxidization...after leaving the brushless car wash,
>> which I never go to, I noticed water spots on the paint which don't
>> appear to come off easily. They might wax off. but he paint  looks
>> horrible.
> I have the same problem with Tornado Red--looks great at a distance,
> but up close it's rather bad (faded & water-spotted). Last summer I
> diligently applied cleaner + waxed, but that didn't help much at all.
> A more aggressive (abrasive) rubbing compound seems to be needed. (??)
> Phil
> --
> Phil Rose                Rochester, NY USA
> '91 200q    (135 Kmiles, Lago blue)
> '91 200q   (58 Kmiles, Tornado red)
>     mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net
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