distributor gear

egbert1323 EGBERT egbert1323 at msn.com
Fri Jan 24 16:50:29 EST 2003

  Yes, it was claimed in three minutes.

>From: DAK <dak at rochester.rr.com>
>To: egbert1323 EGBERT <egbert1323 at msn.com>
>Subject: Re: distributor gear
>Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 16:45:44 -0500
>Has anyone claimed the gear yet? Our 200 is the main family car and I'm a
>little nervous about the distributor gear and radiator which are still
>original. So, I'll glady by this one from you if nobody else has claimed
>David Kavanagh
>(Rochester, NY)
>egbert1323 EGBERT wrote:
>>   I have had my 20 valve six months now and got a group purchase metal
>>from the previous owner who had signed up before selling the car.
>>   I took the car with 193,000 miles into a shop, with the tamper proof
>>on the distributor, (which means original gear?). They took off the valve
>>cover and reported the original to be metal and OK to go another 100,000.
>>   If this is possible, I will gladly sell my gear to a lister for the
>>original price and return a refund to P.O.
>>  I also have some questions for owners who have gone 200,000 plus miles
>>these cars. What does the engine act like when the turbo gets ready for a
>>rebuild? How do you ask for replacement shocks when the g-60 conversion
>>been done? Did the dealer change the strut, carrier, rotor and calipers? I
>>have the paperwork but cannot get the details like part numbers and such.
>>    Thanks,   '91 200-20 black IA stage III 194,000 miles and rolling
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