Starter Motor Advice

DAK dak at
Mon Jul 7 10:23:50 EDT 2003

I second that recommendation (to remove and try to fix yourself). I
assume the starter is very similar (if not the same) to my '87 5KTQ that
had a starter problem over 2 years ago (a few months before I sold it).
I removed it because the braided copper wire between the brushes and the
  + terminal had totally disintegrated. When I got the starter apart, I
noticed that the ring gear was all cracked. A local starter/alternator
shop had the brushes and ring gear and even did the work of installing
the ring gear. The cost was very reasonable.


PS. the ring gear is plastic!

Richard Tanimura wrote:
> Neil,
> I removed and rebuilt my starter myself about 2 months ago. It is not hard.
> Going directly to your problem, it sounds as if the solenoid is not moving
> and engaging the flywheel correctly. If you feel up to it, take the starter
> off and take it apart. (I can give you the instructions if you chose this
> route. It is pretty simple but messy.) When you have the thing apart, you
> will see very clearly how the solenoid causes the gear to engage the
> flywheel when current is applied. Check the carbon brushes to see if you are
> worn. It might be that the solenoid is not getting enough current.
> Put the car up and stands, make sure you disconnect the battery unless you
> want to spotweld things as you disconnect the wires. The bolts are 16 mm
> IIRC. I remember this because a 16 mm box end wrench was the only size I did
> not have in my set and I had to buy it.
> Rich
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