MAF cost (was: Bucking Bronco (was: HEL

mlp qwest mlped at
Tue Jul 8 09:29:23 EDT 2003

Mihnea -

Two things, I have from time to time heard "rumors" there were private party
(i.e. non-Bosch) persons or places that would attempt to "rebuilt"
defective/broken hot wire MAFs.  So far, my limited attempts to verify &/or
locate such a service have failed to find any such person or business.  By
all means, if some one knows of one, it would be great if they could share
it with the lists.

2nd, I unfortunately now happen to have a brand new larger MAF which
succumbed to Hot Wire failure in testing.  Do you have any idea if the Bosch
special parts "exchange" program might also apply to the larger 86mm 928/WMB
M5 Bosch PN# 0-280-214-001 MAF as well?


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 23:28:06 +0200
To: Brett Dikeman <brett at>,
	Scalmanini Steve <sscalmanini at>,
From: Mihnea Cotet <mik at>
Subject: Re: MAF cost (was: Bucking Bronco (was: HELLLLLP! Sudden odd

It is the exact same MAF, possibly rebuilt but for a much nicer price than
the original one... Apparently it isn't available in the US but I'll try to
work something out with Scott M in order to have them available in the US!
Unfortunately it isn't hot film but that's not needed anyway...


At 17:25 1/07/2003 -0400, Brett Dikeman wrote:
>At 9:15 PM +0200 7/1/03, Mihnea Cotet wrote:
>>AFAIK there is a Bosch special part number for an exchange MAF for our
>>engines, the number is 0 986 280 120 and I've paid 205 Euro tax included
>>for one, about 6 months ago when mine went south...

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