Cooling System Is Craped(ing on me!)
Bernie Benz
b.benz at
Mon Jul 14 21:30:49 EDT 2003
1st Q: Did you remember to unhook the garden hose before you did the test
Q2: Why did you decide to flush? And with tap water, no chemicals?
As to the WP, you must determine if it is only the O-ring seal to the block
or if it is the shaft seal. Take the TB cover off and look. Or, maybe the
turbo coolent return hose?
> From: "Derek Pulvino" <dbpulvino at>
> Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 19:15:54 -0700
> To: 200q20v at
> Subject: Cooling System Is Craped(ing on me!)
> Ok, it all started out innoccently enough, but I'm begining to suspect that
> when I attached a garden hose to my cooling system and "power flushed" the
> system, I took things too far. The reason I say this is I've had more
> cooling problems in the couple of weeks after flushing than I did in the
> other 4-years of ownership...infinetly more. Guessing flushing broke lose
> some crud that couldn't get out and is now freely flowing in the system.
> So, first I sprung a leak in the main radiator hose. Was able to fix this
> as I talked about by cutting and resecuring, but now I've got another leak,
> and I think it's the water pump.
> Cleaned all the old coolant residue off the engine, and did not notice the
> leak at the same place (via eyeing w/flashlight, or feeling for moisture),
> nor on any of the hoses on the drivers side of the engine. The drip
> however, was coming off the bottom of the AC bracket...only thing above
> there that can leak that I couldn't see is the water pump.
> While I didn't want to do it, I also didn't want to go in for a water pump
> at this time, I put some stop leak in the system. Worked for a day...and
> now it's leaking again.
> So any suggestions, and unless somebody can explain otherwise, maybe
> flushing isn't such a good idea.
> This is not the bee's knees.
> derek p
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