airbag replacement

Phil Rose pjrose at
Tue Jul 22 16:06:08 EDT 2003

At 6:53 AM -0700 7/22/03, Jim Sayegh wrote:
>Flipped down my visor to shield against the summer sun and noticed a
>warning label saying that the airbag must be replaced within ten years
>of manufacture.  Missed that deadline by a few years.
>What's the story with this?  Will it fail to deploy?  Anyone have an
>idea of the cost?

I recall-- couple of yrs ago--that Audi revised (upward) the
"lifetime" of the airbag. I don't recall the new number, but you (and
the rest of us) are probably still OK. Who needs a stinkin' airbag,
anyway? ;-)


Phil Rose				Rochester, NY USA
'91 200q	(140K, Lago blue)
'91 200q   (64K, Tornado red)			mailto:pjrose at

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