200q20v digest, Vol 1 #1604 - 5 msgs

adelphia g_dion at adelphia.net
Tue Jul 22 22:46:05 EDT 2003

-----Original Message-----
From: 200q20v-admin at audifans.com [mailto:200q20v-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of 200q20v-request at audifans.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 10:00 AM
To: 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: 200q20v digest, Vol 1 #1604 - 5 msgs

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Radiator Removal (wolff at turboquattro.com)
   2. Re: airbag indicator... (DAK)
   3. NG harness wiring for ECU - need help (ben swann)
   4. Re: Vag-Com 2x2 Ugly cable adapter which leads to plug into?
(SuffolkD at aol.com)
   5. Re: Vag-Com 2x2 Ugly cable adapter which leads to plug into?
(info4mjs at att.net)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 18:24:06 -0700
From: wolff at turboquattro.com
Subject: Re: Radiator Removal
To: 200q20v <200q20v at audifans.com>

Removing the wheel liner does add clearance and is worth the small effort to
get it out first.
"Nobody can forget the sound." - Michele Mouton

----- Original Message -----
From: "Derek Pulvino" <dbpulvino at hotmail.com>
To: <mstrblastr at comcast.net>; <cpcycle at earthlink.net>;
<200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: Radiator Removal

> Pretty close..."don't buy new if you can fix it yourself."
> So pull the hyd pump is the recomendation?  I read through Chris's page
> the write ups on there recomended also removing the wheel well liner.  Has
> everybody had to do this or is that optional in case you wanted to remove
> the fan shroud?
> And to think I just had the hyd. pump out about a month ago for a refurb.
> Did you disconnect all the pentosin lines to remve the pump?
> Derek P


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 22:26:57 -0400
From: DAK <dak at rochester.rr.com>
To: Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net>
Cc: Alan Cordeiro <alancordeiro at comcast.net>, 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: Re: airbag indicator...

Yes, I have (about 4.5 years ago). Normal light until a few weeks ago.
Since it does go out after a minute or so, I suspected an aging energy
reserve unit...


Brett Dikeman wrote:
> At 12:01 AM -0400 7/18/03, Alan Cordeiro wrote:
>> I am running about one minute now, I too suspect  the energy reserve pack
>>  > I suspect the "energy reserve" unit... I think that's just a
>>  > rechargeable battery pack that reached the end of its life...
> Have either of you had the airbag sensor module recall done?
> B
> --
> ----
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
> http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/
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Message: 3
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 00:48:22 -0400
From: ben swann <benswann at comcast.net>
Subject: NG harness wiring for ECU - need help
To: ben swann <benswann at comcast.net>, 200q20v at audifans.com,
	urq at audifans.com
Cc: quattro at audifans.com, audi at humanspeakers.com

Wiring and hookup commences tommorrow.  I still need some help on this.



to understand my questions.  Or refer to description in prior email

Granted this is not oft frequented territory, but I appreciate anything
that other harness swappers or wiring gurus can recall.


----- Original Message -----
From: ben swann <benswann at comcast.net>
Date: Monday, July 21, 2003 0:17 am
Subject: Re: NG harness wiring for ECU

Quattrophile and fellow swapaholics,

I reached a major milestone last week on "Project GTQ" begun several
years ago when the NG engine was bolted to the bellhousing.  I should
be able to get it started soon after hooking everything up.

I was hoping for some confirmation/feedback on the questions I posted
for the wiring harness.

Although I have consulted the Bently and other diagrams and information
at hand, I could use help confirming where/which are some of the
harness connections and power wires.

So I am reposting, assuming this was glossed over earlier.  I
appreciate any help.



----- Original Message -----
From: ben swann <benswann at comcast.net>
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2003 10:57 am
Subject: Re: NG harness wiring for ECU
I was hoping to get some help on the harness wiring for the NG/CIS-E3
installation fo "Project GTQ"

I revised and put on a web page - hope I can get some feedback.


My main questions are:

Which are Power wire and Ground?

What are the major functions for barrel connectors - Black, Green and

Hopefully my webpage makes clear what I'm asking and will help others
who may be insane enough to try this in the future.


----- Original Message -----
From: ben swann <benswann at comcast.net>
Date: Thursday, July 10, 2003 11:34 am
Subject: NG harness wiring for ECU
[note: original text below edited and revised for clarity/correction]

- "Project GTQ" installing NG engine into '87 4000 CS quattro.

- CIS-E wiring harness remove routed the CIS-E3 harness from 87.5 GT
Coupe through the firewall.

- I'm trying to identify some of the connectors that go over to the
left/drivers side of the car as well as power source and ground.

- There were similar connectors on the CIS-E harness, but some
differences.  Bently does not clarify.

  Can anyone identify Power wire and Ground?

  Here are the harness connectors description:

  Red barrel connector has 3 wires -
> G/V .5
> G   .5
> B/R .5
  I noticed the corresponding same type of Red Barrel connector was
  not used on the CIS harness I removed.

  Black Round Barrel connector -
> B/Bl 1.5
> B    1.0
> G/R  2.5
> G/B  .75

There was a black square connector that I disconnected for the  CIS-E
harness.  It does not have the same wire/sizes.  Is this a
corresponding connector/Are some of these leads used for CIS-E3?

  Green round/barrel connector:
> Br/B  .5
> G/Y   .5
 This is similar to the one I pulled out for CIS-E, but wire
size/colors are  different.

  Small black with two B/W .5 wires

  Separate wires/connector clipped?
> G/R  .5
> B/W  .5
> Br/Bl  .5
 I appreciate any leads on what wires I definately need for power
 as  well as which if any of the above I need, or the major function
 performed by the different connectors above.  Following that any
 that  may be used for other ancillary functions like trip computer,
 tach, etc.

Also any suggestions on where/how to tap the power which according
to  Bentley is 2.5 R/W and I assume in black barrel connector, but like
to verify.  I assume relaying power from somewhere either off Fuse
panel (hard to get to) or dedicated power wire with relay from
ign.track 15 (where to tap control wire?).

Anyone have diagram showing the CIS-E3 harness with connectors?

TIA for help.



Message: 4
From: SuffolkD at aol.com
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 01:16:40 EDT
Subject: Re: Vag-Com 2x2 Ugly cable adapter which leads to plug into?
To: 200q20v at audifans.com
Cc: brett at cloud9.net, dak at rochester.rr.com, alancordeiro at comcast.net

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]


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