Brake warning/pads

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Mon Jul 28 10:05:58 EDT 2003

> From: Phil Rose <pjrose at>
> At 8:36 AM -0600 7/28/03, Lou.Martin at wrote:
>> What's the best way to troubleshoot the pad sensor wires?
> Disconnect pad wires and put an ohmeter across the outboard (pad
> wire) contacts. There should be continuity if the wear sensor wires
> are OK. If OK, then what about the harness (inboard wires)? One way
> to test the harness is to jumper both sets of contacts, which should
> eliminate the warning light if _both_ sets of harness wires are OK.
> If/when one harness is bad, I'm not sure how best to identify it,
> although the Bentley probably has a procedure.
>> The dash brake warning light is on,
> You're referring to the "warning light" on the LCD panel, right? The
> other (lower) light is unrelated to pad-wear sensor.
>> but I inspected both sets of pads and
>> they look good.  Not counting the steel backing plate, pads are 0.3 to 0.35"
>> thick.
> Hey Bernie, those are good for another 0.4" of wear, right? ;-)
> Phil
> with a car whose PO snipped off both the _inboard_ sensor connectors
> in order to use pads without wear sensors!
Smart move!  I've done this also.  The best wear sensor is the pad backing
plate.  When it touches the unworn, raised annular rings inside and outside
of the rotor wear area, you will know with certainty that you are in need of
a pad replacement.  Works on all four wheels also.


> Phil Rose
> Rochester, NY
> mailto:pjrose at

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