Brake warning/pads

DAK dak at
Mon Jul 28 15:08:40 EDT 2003

The last time I got pads from Rod, they showed up without sensors. I
just clipped the connector (and some wire) off the old pads and shorted
the wires together (and taped it up). Then, I plugged it into the
connector at the strut.
The warning you are still seeing is probably the dash being flakey! You
can check all the wiring up to the PC board by pulling the IC (don't
need to pull the air bag, but I did the first time!). Check pin 10 on
the brown 26 pin connector relative to ground. It have very little
resistance compared to ground.


Kneale Brownson wrote:
> At 11:30 AM 07/28/2003 -0400, Phil Rose wrote:
>> Phil
>> with a car whose PO snipped off both the _inboard_ sensor connectors
>> in order to use pads without wear sensors!
>> :(
>> --
> I have a similar circumstance.  Is there a way to just block out the pad
> wear warning completely?  I've tried jumper harnesses and still get the
> stupid warning continuously.
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