3B dist anti tamper hold down

ben swann benswann at comcast.net
Thu Jul 31 10:51:56 EDT 2003


Don't know specifically about the 3B one - I'll check to see if it is
the same/similar as the one I took of my NG.

For that one, I simply used a revers out drill bit.  THe rivit actually
is a screw.  After it is removed, it can be replaced by an 8mm bolt.
This is my recollection from over a year ago, so I may be missing
detail, but my NG distributor is now adjustable like the KX engine was.


[Subject: Re: 3B dist anti tamper hold down
From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at charter.net>
To: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at audifans.com>
Cc: <C1J1Miller at aol.com>

Who has removed this device recently and what is the easist method?

Having just looked closely at it, apparently it is a sheet metal
aluminum channel of a width to just fit over the hold down nut or bolt
head.  Thischannel extends from its covering of the hold down nut
forward maybe 1.5" at which point there is a steel rivit anchoring it
to the head.  This round head rivit could be an expansion rivit, as it
appears that there was a pin in the head of the rivit that has been
driven flush to expand the rivit in a hole in the head.  Apparently,
one must either grind off the rivit head or cut off the aluminum
channel just to the right of the rivit.  Not much room to do either.

Good ideas and exeriences will be greatly appreciated.


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