Phil Rose Cluster Ground Request
Kevin Kerr
ansol130 at
Thu Jul 31 14:25:22 EDT 2003
Phil, Brice:
This was from my post awhile back.
It was specifily to fix a problem where
the high beam and signal indicators lit
continiously, and dim lights
in the auto check display. After appreciating
the symptoms on and off for about a year
I was quite familiar with what was happening.
Pretty much it had to be a floating ground
because that is the only signal which touches
all the devices in question. It was obvious that
ground was not at 0 volts, and current was flowing
backwards from the way it was supposed to go.
After I took the circuit board out and traced
the ground for the devices in question, I found
one common weak point near the corner of the
spedo. It tested OK at first (hence
the intermittant nature of the probem) but by flexing
the board a bit I could force an open at that point.
There must have been another resistive path to ground
or else the display would have been totally dark.
A bypass operation was required and fixed things
-Kevin Kerr
--- Phil Rose <pjrose at> wrote:
> At 3:20 AM -0500 7/31/03, BriceW at wrote:
> >Phil,
> > Could you please repost your fix fo the
> cluster. The one where you
> >solder a jumper wire to ground the speedo. I have
> re-soldered the
> >speedo and OK check system and work great and now
> have the problem where
> >the speedo an tach die and one of the bulbs behind
> speedo dies and
> >othern problems, etc. and if I drive with a
> loosened cluster and move it
> >while driving everything is fine for awhile.
> > How in the hell did you figure that one out?
> > I ran across a partial post of this problem
> on audifans and it was
> right on the mark.
> Brice,
> Do you mean this one:
> I can't take any credit for this fix except having
> the URL in my
> files. Hope it helps.
> Phil
> --
> Phil Rose
> Rochester, NY
> mailto:pjrose at
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