[s-cars] Video of an Audi 200 MTM at Nurburgring

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 3 02:05:05 EDT 2003

HEY! IT's a 6-spd
  Did anyone notice that right after 14:00 through the video on
that long straight that he shifted into 6TH Gear!?!?  Where did
that 6th Gear come from.  Man that thing is fast, the hood
looked like it was ready to fly off. :-)

--- Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> wrote:
> >  > In case you have not seen it yet, there is a video of a
> special Audi 200
> >>  (MTMed) at the 24 hours of Nurburgring 2003:
> >>
> >>
> <http://foto.nurburgring.de/web/2003/030601_r/MTM_Audi.wmv>
> At 9:08 PM -0400 6/2/03, motogo1 wrote:
> >That is a GREAT ride!...thanks
> That is pretty sweet; I love the sound pulling out of the
> pits!
>    Of interesting note is the TT zipping by the 200 like
> nobody's
> business on lap 2, turn 1- and a few turns later, that Porsche
> cup
> car just can't seem to out-accelerate the 200.  He's got the
> 200 in
> braking with 10+ years of braking technology on his side- he
> brakes
> MUCH later into the turn.
> The 200's certainly competitive against many of the newest
> cars...those Mercs, for example, were hardly a challenge.
> He was slower than that red NSX- faster than the Jetta, some
> sort of
> 3-series sedan, the Merc(plus, 200's don't think they're
> planes,
> right? :-).  Then. some orange something-or-other blows by.
> What was
> that?  Couldn't make heads or tales of it.  What looks like a
> Nissan
> Skyline passes and disappears rather quickly.  I counted two
> M3's,
> one new gen, one older one, both passed handily.  Best has to
> be near
> the end though- he had that purple 911, but the guy wouldn't
> let him
> pass. The 200 driver even has a few words for him :-)
> Sigh...you know you're a flagging geek when you're spending
> most of
> the time looking for the flagging stations and if they've got
> any
> flags out.  I lost count of how many stations there were, and
> they
> were going by pretty quick :-)
> You also know you're an Audi nut when you're looking at the
> shift
> lever when he lifts to see if the tranny mounts are worn :-)
> Wonder
> what that annoying whine was...was very pronounced during
> warmup and
> slow speeds, not so much at speed.
> So the real question is, are there any pictures of this car?
> I've
> never seen a purple 200 race car.  Oh, and was it a 20v?
> Sounded a
> little like it might be, but the audio quality was pretty
> so-so and
> the exhaust was not exactly, uh, stock :-)
> B
> --
> ----
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
> http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/
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