Hydraulic Pump Rebuild

alan cordeiro alancordeiro at comcast.net
Tue Jun 10 07:31:58 EDT 2003


I built a "Phillips" draglink socket seven or eight years ago
using a concrete bit from the hardware superstore.
It had a "cross" on the end, I ground the business end to
match the shape of the "X"s on the pump.

My method was to soak the "X" caps in penetrating fluid
for a few hours, put the TOOL in a large vice, and
hold the pump in my hand against the tool and turn it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Derek Pulvino" <dbpulvino at hotmail.com>
To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 1:35 PM
Subject: Hydraulic Pump Rebuild

> Hey gang,
> Pulled the pump out yesterday and started trying to disasemble the pump to
> replace seals.  Had a real hard time with the x-caps.  I had a drag-link
> socket, but I was unable to secure the pump well enough to be able to turn
> the caps out.  I went searching a bit today, hoping I could find a
> "phillips-head" shaped drag link, but I think I was dreaming on that one.
> Somebody suggested bolting the pump back to the car, but in that case you
> can't get at most of the caps.
> Anybody have any suggestions on how to work around this problem?  Just
> force?  A new pump is 280'ish...280 I'm not really ready to spend right
> Derek P
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