Auto check system

Matt twentyV matt_20v at
Tue Jun 10 08:55:11 EDT 2003

Brandon, it is 42, not 49.  No, I haven't heard
of this one before.  Does the owners manual shed
any light?  Of course the critical test is whether
the ECU is throwing any codes.  That "OK" is very
reassuring and even theraputic.  Maybe it is just
trying to annoy you, like a Vogon reading poetry
until it kills you.
My '00S4 lit up a gas pump icon leaving the house this

morning.  But it only took 13.2 gals at the filling
station.  The tank level sensor is a common failure
item on these cars, too bad mine waited to screw up
until after the warranty expired.
Good Luck,

--- Brandon Hull <Hull at> wrote:
> Ok, here's a new one on me (on the list since '86,
> pioneer e//S2) I just
> picked the car up from George Baxter who fixed a
> dozen niggling problems
> including a short on my instrument circuit board
> that was killing the
> tach.  It all goes back together fine, except now
> the engine check
> system instead of giving it's reassuring "OK"
> cryptically reads, "51."
> Anyone know what this means?  Is it an error code?
> Is it the answer to
> life's ultimate question, (no, that was 49)?
> Thanks for any insights.
> Brandon
> PS so again, who all is going to Mid Ohio next week?
>  We'll be in garage
> 14
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