Hydraulic Pump Rebuild

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Tue Jun 10 13:20:29 EDT 2003

If you regularly wash down the engine such that it is oil free, you can feel
as well as look for fluid leaks.  BTDT on the underside cyl heads.


> From: "Derek Pulvino" <dbpulvino at hotmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 12:05:54 -0700
> To: b.benz at charter.net
> Cc: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: Hydraulic Pump Rebuild
> Well, the engine was fairly clean, and a good assumption, however if it was
> a leaking cap on the bottom, or a leaking shaft seal, given the limited
> visibility, I believe even a previously "Gunked" engine/pump would obfuscate
> the source.  And when I said "source obscured," I'd meant (and specified)
> that it happened when the pentosin lines where removed and overflow from the
> lines spilled on the pump, not from huge amounts of time in negligent/dirty
> use.

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