Hydraulic hell

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Wed Jun 11 12:38:53 EDT 2003

Wash it down, oil free and find the leak!  If you're sucking air into the
system causing the "volcano syndrome" the fluid leak will be at the
reservoir cap, and the causative air leak will be either the pump shaft seal
or the fluid supply hose system to the pump.


> From: "Brian Link" <BrianL at starsys.com>
> Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 11:28:53 -0600
> To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
> Subject: Hydraulic hell
> Got a new issue this week that I need some input to solve.
> My problem is a common one; the brake light stays on longer than normal
> after start-up.
> 25+ assisted brake pumps with the car off.  I assume a good bomb.
> Here is the part I need help with: I checked the hydraulic fluid
> reservoir and it was pretty low, an inch below the min line.  I checked
> for leaks and could not find a single one.  So I topped it off and went
> on my way.  No more light for a day.  Then the light came back and
> stayed on for a long time.  I checked the reservoir last night and the
> level was way above the max line.  So I took some fluid out, started her
> up and watched the level for 5 minutes.  Seemed okay, except this
> morning the fluid was way low again.
> Could this be the volcano syndrome?  Could this be a bad master
> cylinder?
> Thanks
> Brian Link
> Boulder
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