Alignment: Impossible with H&R springs?
Bernie Benz
b.benz at
Wed Jun 11 12:51:48 EDT 2003
> From: Steven Hauptmann <hauptmanns at>
> Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 12:55:17 -0400
> To: "'QSHIPQ at'" <QSHIPQ at>
> Cc: "200q20v List (E-mail)" <200q20v at>
> Subject: RE: Alignment: Impossible with H&R springs?
> Scott,
> I'm not trying to be argumentative here, but I feel your take on springs
> which lower the car is overly bleak.
Bleak does not equaate to factual. Mind is made up, don't confuse with
> <<"Lower" is the easy way to get better "perceived" handling because of a
> lower COG.>>
> Are you saying that center of gravity does not affect the way a car handles
> anymore than a perception?
The roll center is lowered by an in perceptable amount by this cosmetic
> <<"Down" in any audi chassis causes bumpsteer problems pretty quickly,
> that's just plain math...>>
Math = geometery.
> I have the H&R's, which lowered the car, but I'm aware of no bumpsteer
> problem.
Awareness is not a factor in reality.
> <<After 10 years of driving and tweeking audi suspensions, I'm convinced
> that lowering creates more compromises than it solves.>>
> You may be right, but I never thought lowering my car would solve
> compromise.
> By switching to H&R's and Bilsteins, I had hoped to stiffen the ole girl up
> a bit, lose the boat feeling, improve the handling, and get a more
> direct/connected to the road feeling. That's exactly what happened.
Meaning that the seat of the pants feels better sitting on a thin wallet.
To eliminate bump steer and "stiffen the ole girl up" while lowering as much
as you wish, as well as hiding the 2B camber plate induced problems, replace
the springs with approperate lengths of 4" pipe.
> Is there compromise? Sure, I need to correct the negative camber.
> I simply shifted the compromise from a ride and handling that I was unhappy
> with but was paid for, to a ride and handling that I am very happy with but
> at the cost of the springs and camber plates.
> I'm not aware of another set-up which would provide the improvements I was
> seeking with zero compromises. If there is one, I would wish I knew about
> it.
> Steve Hauptmann
> South Carolina
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