Battery Draw/Alarm system - 91 200 Avant

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Sun Jun 15 13:36:48 EDT 2003

Steve, a RKE added on top of the Audi alarm shouldn't draw more than 5 or 10
mA and be able to idle for months with negilgable affect of the battery.
Start pulling fuses.


> From: Steve Sherman <spsherm at>
> Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 12:46:45 -0600
> To: 20v <200q20v at>
> Subject: Battery Draw/Alarm system - 91 200 Avant
> I've been trying to track down the cause of my "weak" battery.  The
> symptom is that if I leave the car undriven for a few days the battery
> is drained and has trouble turning over.  A week of no use, and I need a
> charger to get it up and running again.  As long as it is driven every
> day or two things are fine.
> The local shop that offers a checkup for the batt and charging system
> machine was out, so it will be a week or so til I can get that checked.
> But the charging voltage seems right (13.9v), so I tend to think the
> charging system is OK..
> I also checked the current draw from the batt after shutting off the car
> and waiting long enough for everything to turn off (hopefully).  The
> current draw was right around 1A, which seemed unreasonably high to me.
> However 1A constant draw seems like it would explain the slowly
> draining battery over a few days time.
> I am thinking that it may be the alarm system.  The current was about
> the same whether the alarm was armed or not (acutally a bit higher in
> the unarmed state).  Unfortunately the alarm was put in 2 owners ago, so
> I have no doc's nor any idea even where the alarm and its components are
> hidden.
> Any input from listers that have an alarm, as to whether 1A draw is in
> the ballpark or not  (and where do they
> typically install the alarm stuff), as well as ideas of what other
> things are likely culprits for drawing the batt down would be welcomed.
> My next step is to try pulling fuses to see if I can fine one (or more)
> that cut the current draw.
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