UFO Caliper rebuild

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Tue Jun 17 10:58:52 EDT 2003

> From: "Brian Link" <BrianL at starsys.com>
> Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:31:54 -0600
> To: "Bernie Benz" <b.benz at charter.net>
> Cc: "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at audifans.com>
> Subject: RE: UFO Caliper rebuild
> Thanks Bernie, if I can get a new boot from the dealer and it is a
> straight forward job I will rebuild them. Any special tools or lubes?
Use air to blow the piston, stoping it with a block of wood across the
caliper fingers.  Plan on bleeding the MC and lines to at least the front
calipers when they are out.  You can plug the hose ends with carved tapered
sticks while playing with the calipers.  To be complete, do the rears at the
same time.  Wash the caliper internals with rubbing alcohol, isopropal or
methyl (save the ethyl for drinking).  Polish the chrome plated piston OD
with 600 grit paper wetted with alcohol lightly, don't go thru the chrome!
I use a heavy Si oil as an assembly fluid, but brake fluid will do.
> Totally joking about the paint and chrome. My car is probablly one of
> the dirteist 20v on the list.  All go and no show I guess.
I didn't pretty up the UFO caliper exteriors either when rebuilding 6, 7 yrs
ago.  One of my first new to me, used car jobs.

> Brian Link
> Boulder, CO

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