Brake Accumulator "bomb" recharging

George Harris harchris at
Mon Jun 23 20:03:50 EDT 2003

I believe at one time Zoltan of 'Audis Only' in Canada was going to do
the recharging. He found that the results weren't satisfactory. He sold
me a new one for Can $318. I've already gotten over the sticker shock
now that the brake warning light never comes on to nag at me. One
beneficial side affect of the new bomb is that the Pentosin leaks out
slower. It must be easier on the seals to have that gas pressure cushion.

On the same topic I was in a hydraulic shop the other day and saw a
'bomb'. It used used for the same thing in heavy machinery, and looks
very similiar to ours with the exception of the valve connections. It
only cost Can $139 ( less than US $100. ) and is also good to 3000 PSI.
Anybody tried to rig one of these up?


Kneale Brownson wrote:
> Russ Sutherlin, who has offered previously to recharge "bombs" for less
> than half the price of new ones, has found himself currently unable to
> continue providing that service.
> He says if he becomes less busy and has an opportunity to set up a means of
> protecting himself against liability, he'll let us know that he's back in
> the bomb business.
> There was someone else looking into offering such services a while
> back.  Perhaps that person will pick up on Russ having stopped.

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