Air Filter Access

Henry A Harper III hah at
Tue Jun 24 00:48:00 EDT 2003

It's pretty easy to get out the air filter once you figure out about the
"secret" screw holding down the rear outside of the top part of the filter
box. Two or three snappy wire clamps on the other sides, the secret screw
(flashlight and long screwdriver helps, it's also a captive type so don't
worry about dropping it) and it comes right off. No need to remove any
shields, just the top of the box and maybe the front air hose clamp.

Henry Harper hah at
1991 200 quattro, 119.9k, pounded (paper) air filter on driveway last year
by way of cleaning
1988 GTI 16v, 236k, hard-to-get-to CIS-E filter, replaced with K&N and

On Monday, June 23, 2003 9:40 PM, Steve Sherman
[SMTP:spsherm at] wrote:
> Probably a dumb Q, but here goes anyway.  Was doing my general maint,
> (oil and filter change) on the 91 avant for the first time, when I
> realized that I did not know exactly how to get at the air filter.  I've
> done quite a few air filters on the 10v units, and while this looks
> easier, it was not clear to me what if any of the sheilds one needs to
> remove to get at the air filter.
> Could someone who knows tell me what to remove (or not) in getting to
> the air filter on these.
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